Directory of most popular United States newspapers searchable by state, federal district and U.S. territories.
One of the most widely circulated newspapers in the United States.
One of the oldest continuously published daily newspapers in the United States.
Some of the longest running newspapers in the United States are New Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1756), Hartford Courant (founded in 1764), Augusta Chronicle (founded in 1785), Daily Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1786), Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (founded in 1786), and The Berkshire Eagle (founded in 1789).
German-language weekly newspaper based in Pennsylvania.
Brooklyn, New York based newspaper published in French, English and Krey�l.
Japanese American newspaper.
English-Chinese bi-lingual newspaper published in St. Louis, Missouri.
Arab-language newspaper in the United States.
The United States offers a diverse range of newspapers, covering topics from national and international news to politics, business, culture, sports, and more. Major national newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal provide in-depth reporting and analysis, appealing to a broad audience. Some newspapers have national distribution, while others focus primarily on local or regional readership, offering comprehensive coverage tailored to specific areas.
City-based newspapers, such as The New York Times (New York City), The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.), and Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles), have significant circulation in their respective cities and surrounding regions. Regional newspapers, like The Boston Globe in New England and The Dallas Morning News in Texas, serve their states, offering localized coverage that resonates with readers.
In the digital age, online news websites have gained prominence as key information sources. Websites like, Fox News, HuffPost, Reuters, and BuzzFeed News provide timely news globally, complementing traditional print newspapers. Furthermore, independent and alternative newspapers, such as The Village Voice, Mother Jones, and Democracy Now!, offer diverse perspectives on social, political, and cultural issues, enriching the media ecosystem with unique viewpoints. Additionally, news agencies like The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters provide content to various media outlets, ensuring comprehensive and consistent reporting throughout the United States.